10 Pillars of ServiceNow Digital Transformation for the Non-IT Leader

10 Pillars of ServiceNow Digital Transformation for the Non-IT Leader eBook Image - Crossfuze

Essential strategies for streamlining business services and driving bottom-line value across your enterprise.

If you’re like most enterprise leaders, you’re struggling to realize the promise and the potential of digital transformation. Perhaps you can’t find a way to get your digital transformation ideas on the C-Suite agenda. Maybe you’re a loss for words explain why a colleague in HR or sales should adopt ServiceNow. Or you might just be wondering why your own ServiceNow transformation plans aren’t gaining any traction. This book is here to set you on a path to success.

The 10 Pillars of ServiceNow Digital Transformation for Non-IT leaders is written to help every forward-thinking leader in your organization bring clarity and focus to his or her ambitious vision of ServiceNow. The book will jump-start strategic planning initiatives that will expand the reach and impact of ServiceNow to departments across your organization.

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