When one of the leading law firms in the United States first reached out to Crossfuze in 2021, its primary goal was implementing ServiceNow ITSM. However, it had no idea that it would innovate beyond ITSM to offer enterprise-wide transformation. Relying on on-demand support from its strategic partner Crossfuze and the low-code tool ServiceNow App Engine, the firm would quickly recognize the benefits of improved data management and case information processes.
The firm saw significant improvements due to its custom app built from App Engine, including the following:
- Improved visibility into case management and library service processes
- Streamlined communication between librarians and lawyers
- Access to all tiers of expertise for ServiceNow
- Enhanced client and employee experiences
- Data-driven decision-making
The implementation of ServiceNow App Engine and custom built application solutions have changed the way this firm works—and it’s just the beginning. These solutions have set the firm on a clear path toward greater innovation, agility, and visibility that will empower it to improve for years to come.
Lengthy Case Management and Poor Visibility
When the firm reached out to Crossfuze a couple of years ago, it was looking for a solution that would streamline its library service processes and offer greater data management. Frustrated clients, missing information, and time-consuming case management processes were just the beginning of the data challenges faced by its lawyers. For one, legacy case-management processes meant lawyers struggled to communicate with the librarians who provided them with case information, making it difficult for them to complete everyday tasks in a timely manner—let alone think about innovating and driving business value in the long run.
With the firm’s library information system and case data being managed almost completely through email, lawyers lacked visibility into project progress, roadblocks, and next steps. The team simply didn’t have a centralized system nor insights into who owned each task, how long every process took, or how to track information across its whole lifecycle. Processes and information meant to streamline work were wearing lawyers and their clients down.
Without visibility into its processes, it was impossible for the firm to predict future needs, be proactive with its data, or track information across its lifecycle. Not only did it lack efficiency on a small scale, but it was also unable to guarantee enterprise operations were running smoothly. Employee and client experiences were less than great, resulting in dissatisfaction and poor retention.
Empowering Lawyers with Streamlined Processes and Data Management
Despite its challenges, the law firm saw the opportunities available to it with ServiceNow and Crossfuze. After initial success with ServiceNow ITSM, leadership took the next big step toward innovation: taking the reins of messy data by using ServiceNow App Engine.
With this development, the firm could transform its library information systems and empower its lawyers to take control of the data that once ruled them, providing essential visibility into processes and roadblocks. The low-code, custom-built app from ServiceNow App Engine transformed the firm’s case-management processes, empowering lawyers to reduce the average time to get comparable case information from five days to two.

Instead of spending their time tracking down librarians and relevant cases, lawyers can now focus on their clients. Most importantly, their data works for them. Information passes seamlessly between departments, and lawyers can get access to relevant case information in just two days. In a culture of deadlines and details, this streamlined process empowers them to deliver better outcomes for their clients and achieve the success they desire.
Achieving Better Client Experiences and Enterprise-Wide Success
Within a month of the initial conversation, the firm was ready to launch the custom-built application. Now, it has a proper assignment for every request that comes in. The system tracks everything from receiving a case to long-term planning and forecasting, offering powerful data insights that lead to wellinformed, data-driven decision-making. Not only does this provide information that will improve processes at a small scale, but it will also enable them to transform across the firm.
The firm is well equipped to serve itself and develop more solutions in the future. App Engine has empowered the team to develop additional applications to streamline its operations.
"When we heard about ServiceNow’s promise to have a low-code solution that our non-technical team could utilize to build applications for their business problems, we were skeptical. Crossfuze enabled us to build the first one and we are so confident to roll this out company wide. Our departments are excited about a solution that is simple enough for them to build but robust enough to drive business value." - FIRM REPRESENTATIVE
This law firm’s wins with ServiceNow App Engine and Crossfuze aren’t a one-off success story. Hundreds of other firms are recognizing the benefits of the low-code application tool to achieve their digital transformation goals rapidly and cost-effectively.